Nogen af jer vil måske synes de er for højtråbende og for meget! Men jeg er helt solgt :)

Jeg har altid selv drømt om at være en skabende person, men jeg er nok mere een der kan lave ting jeg har set før :) Men Rachel hun kan skabe, kreere og designe !
Jeg er helt vild med den mix af garn i tykke og tynde kvaliteter garn og så de smukke farver.
Normalt ville jeg nok sige jeg var en person der var midtimellem den der går langs væggene i byen og den der går ude midt på og gerne vil ses. Jeg går aldrig med hat, fordi jeg synes det ser fjollet ud.
Men DE her hatte, især dem med rottehaler, ville jeg simpelthen elske at gå med, ude midt i det hele og tænke: "Se lige på mig! Se min cool'e hat!!!" ;)
Vær sød at respektere copyright på disse fotos.
On the internet, I have met a great artist: Dreamwoven, who makes art, that I just had to share with you all !!
She creates the most beautifull hats, that each and every one are a beautifull, inspiring and insanely good artwork!!
Some of you might think they are too loud and just too much. But I’m so into them!
Some of you might think they are too loud and just too much. But I’m so into them!

I have always dreamt about being a creative person who creates new awesome stuff. But I guess I’m more a person who can reproduce things that I have seen somewhere else! But Rachel – she can create , invent and design!
I am totally crazy about the mix of yarn in thick and thin qualities and the beautifull colors.
Normally I would say that I was the kind of person, in between the person who walkes close to the walls and don’t really want to be noticed and the person who walks in the middle of the street with the “here I come” look on her face. I never wears a hat, because I think it looks kind of goofy!

Normally I would say that I was the kind of person, in between the person who walkes close to the walls and don’t really want to be noticed and the person who walks in the middle of the street with the “here I come” look on her face. I never wears a hat, because I think it looks kind of goofy!

But THESE hats, especially the ones with rat’s tails, I would simply LOVE to wear, out in the middle of the street, thinking :” Look at me! Look at my cool hat” !!!
Thanks for letting me use your photos Rachel!!
Please respect the copyright of these photos.